Pumpkin farms are located all over the United States. Pumpkin picking, a traditional autumn activity, has its origins in the early American colonies. Working farm offering many activities with animals such as baby goats, pigs & rabbits. Today farmers sell more than just pumpkin products; they have an extensive selection of farm products including organic berries, peppers, squash, melons, cucumbers, melons, aubergines, honey, maple syrup and many other foods. You will also find seasonal fruit, vegetables, honey, bird feeders, hay, cottonseed, hops, dairy products, honey bees, and specialty crops
Many farm owners start out by buying just a few acres of land

As their business grows they may choose to purchase additional acres with the hopes of selling their produce to local restaurants and shops or selling wholesale to other farm markets and groceries. Some farmers also grow pumpkins to sell at farmers markets. Pumpkin farming is big business, with annual sales estimated in excess of $12 million. There are many different types of farms dedicated to pumpkin cultivation, some of which have been around for hundreds of years. Most of the pumpkin farms are located on private land owned by the farmers.
Types of pumpkins farmed
Most farmers grow everything from alfalfa, beets, cabbage, melons, peas, onions, peppers, squash, sunflowers, cucumbers, gourds, melons, honey, gooseberries and more. They have excellent fields and equipment to grow any variety of vegetable. Some of the most productive pumpkin farms can produce more than twenty varieties of pumpkins per year. These farms are usually located in the southern part of the U.S. near Southern Oregon and California.

There are several organizations and associations who support small family owned rural farms. One such organization is the pumpkin growing club. Members are given special marketing tools and information to help them market their seasonal fruits and vegetables. There are also trade shows and workshops available. In the fall, these farms are popular with pumpkin carving competitions.
When choosing a farm to grow pumpkins, consider the availability of sunlight, moisture and drainage. The majority of farms are found in the southern U.S., where they get a lot of sun and moisture. Pumpkin vines can be found almost anywhere. A few farms are in the Pacific Northwest, in the Midwest and along the Eastern seaboard. Pumpkin vines can even be grown as street performers.
The majority of pumpkin farms grow pumpkins organically. Although they follow strict organic farming techniques, all farm pumpkin crops are pesticide free. Organic certification is also available from the National Organic Program. Certified pumpkin growers meet the same standards as other organic agricultural producers, so be sure to verify that your pumpkin is certified.